Wednesday, March 23, 2011


first off: what to buy! this is your power-source. this is your box, switch, and atty connector (i didn't use an LED in mine, since i don't like them. TBH, i didn't buy this kit, but i wish i had. drilling the box was a PITA with the drill bits i had available to me, plus the madvapes horn switches are amazing [rated for 12v 5A, which we'll be well shy of]). if you decide to just buy some parts at radio shack like i did, the only thing you'll need to order would be the connector (madvapes sells many different connectors, including a pre-wired 510, which makes this a lot easier. those little buggers can be tough to solder until you get the hang of em). the rest is very simple: snip off the connector on the power supply, strip them back enough so you can solder them as follows: + from power source to one leg of switch, other leg of switch to the center of the connector, negative of power source to the outer shell of connector. be careful not to have any shorts, and you might want to protect your connections by (once you make sure they're all solidly soldered and it fires [you should also check the voltage, positive lead from multimeter on exposed bit of positive wire, negative lead from meter on exposed bit of negative wire while firing]) covering them in a non-conductive adhesive like epoxy, just to make sure you're safe :) if anything's not clear, i'm here to help, and here's a link to madvapes' tutorial on that box mod kit i recommended, just remember that you're using the power supply instead of the battery leads and you should be good to go :)

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